Saturday, February 15, 2025

Job Vacancies

Lochbroom & Ullapool Job Vacancies

Job Vacancies in and near Ullapool advertised here.

The Highlands of Scotland is the most sought after place to live in the United Kingdom, due to the quality of life enjoyed in the area of outstanding beauty. If you are an employer send a short description by email of what Job you have to offer, skill set required and your contact information for immediate inclusion on this site. For Ullapool Job opportunities with outstanding companies or work in the Highlands of Scotland your in the right place, Check out the Links for job Vacancies in Scotland, highlands or UK.

Please mention you saw the ad on the website.

Posted 24th Jan 2010
Due to a business relocation to Ullapool we are looking for two full time or four part time trainee bookkeepers. No previous bookkeeping experience needed as training is provided in-house or on courses approved by the company. Knowledge of Microsoft Excel is, however, imperative.
Our trainee bookkeepers will earn £6 p/h for the first three month probation and upon completion can expect to earn anything up to £9 p/h thereafter. Successful candidates can work up to 35-40 hours per week with part time hours negotiable. Flexible hours are available for those with time constraints.
Interviews will be held during the week of the 15th –  20th February and we will be looking to start work in the new offices during the summer months dependant on office purchase.
Please send your CV and contact details to or call 07980 697 447 if you have any questions.

Visiting Workers

Salary Checker, Work Permits, Visa Inquiry

Highlands and Scotland Jobs

UK Job Vacancies

Women and Work

UK Careers Vacancies

Don’t forget to contact us to advertise any Ullapool Jobs, and if you have gained employment from something you read here we would love to here from you,
Good Luck!

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